GEOG-588 > Urban GIS

I am TA’ing for GEOG-588 Urban GIS being taught by my PhD advisor Dr. Victoria Fast, and she has completely redesigned the course to focus on experiential learning which presents guest-experts from industry to come and pose design-challenge questions to our students.

Why it is exciting

It is proving to be an exciting course because of the ground breaking, experiential approach being used: she is inviting some great local experts to come talk to the class as and pose urban design questions to the students, to challenge them to think creatively and create solutions that they’ve developed.

My Role

As TA, my role is 1) support Dr. Fast’s new approach, and 2) help catalyze student innovation by conducting labs where students will develop their self-directed projects help students more deeply understand the course materials (and trouble shoot any technical issues they might have with GIS, Programming, or acquiring useful data.)

I’ll be posting occasional insights in small blog posts that you find in the blog section of my site.

Here is the university’s official course-description:

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