Vocab-Supported Insights from Martinson & Golly Ltd

As part of our GEOG-588, Urban GIS class, we had a visit from Ryan Martinson of Martinson & Golly who blew many minds in both the depth of knowledge about engineering, usability, design, and the social impacts of poor design AND in the fact he can convey those ideas using a comic book format…genius :-O!!! An absolutely genius and disarming way to communicate ideas.

The Vocab-Supported Insight…

Formalizing Vocab will help Catalyze Student Insights

After his visit, I realized there was a great opportunity to help catalyze student-ideas by formally revisiting the infrastructurally specific vocabulary that is second nature to Ryan. So I’ve been brainstorming on how to follow this up, and I found a good possible solution that both edifies and engages our students.

So I found what I was looking for, a design document series from Calgary! Though they are from 2015, they will be important because 1) they are well organized and well written, and 2) the ideas contained in them not only describe the rationale for why our city is the way it is, but also because many of the new ideas presented in that document will have been implemented by now.

The Resources

Section 1: Introduction

Section 2: Urban Context:

Section 3: The Streetscape Guide

Section 4: The Development Guide

Section 5: Implementation

Section 6: Supporting Information

This section does a great job of giving the rationale for the current city design: the ideas of 2015 will have been incorporated into our built environment by now. Check out this screenshot showing rationale for the parking situation downtown.