Cesium Certification Section 1 - Foundations

Foundations I


Lessons 1-4:

Lesson 1: The Cesium Platform

The cesium Platform

Knowledge Check:

Lession 2: 3D Tiles


2.1) Why was the 3D Tiles specification first created?

2.2) What are the ten core features of 3D Tiles?

2.3) Why is metadata such a critical feature in the 3D Tiles 1.1 (aka “Next”) specification?

2.4) What is Implicit vs Explicit Tiling Schemes?

Partial Updates!

Via Digital Twin Simulations

This partial update capability means that simulations streaming agents of a digital twin can be smooth AF!

2D Cartography integration

This means that implicit tiling can represent WMTS, TMS, and CDB data in the 3D space! Interoperability!

S2 Subdivision (Google spatial index)

Version 1.1 also includes S3: a global subdivision, where each tile is equal area, and minimal distortion at the pole.

Next Tile Spec (3.1)

Developer resources including the 3D Tiles Next Reference Card, sample data, and the upcoming 3D Tiles Next Tech blog series. - https://github.com/CesiumGS/3d-tiles/blob/main/next/3d-tiles-next-reference-card.pdf - https://github.com/CesiumGS/3d-tiles-samples

Lesson 3: Cesium ion
